The Organization Transformation Platform
driving organizational development and growth
Upcoming events
Inspire, Educate, and Transform – Be Part of Our Interactive Learning Experience
Hungarian: PCM® személyiségtípusok szerepe és fejlődési pályája a Reinventing Organizations szervezeti kultúrákban - 09.13 9:00-13:00
Ha már érzékeled, hogy bizonyos kultúrák vezetői kapva kapnak a módszereidért, míg más kultúrákról teljesen lepattansz, de még szükséged volna egy hiteles kultúra keretrendszerre, akkor bátran olvass tovább!
Ha már téged is feszített korábban, hogy a vezetők egyéni elakadásai hogyan tudják blokkolni a teljes szervezet fejlődési útját, valamint felismerted, hogy egy szervezet vezetőinek egyéni fejlődése hogyan segítheti a szervezet kultúrájának a transzformációját, és kitartóan keresed a jó megoldást, akkor ez a képzés tényleg neked szól.
Szeretnél a teóriák megismerésén túl azonnal gyakorlatban is alkalmazható szervezeti kultúra-mérési eszköz birtokába jutni, hogy a sámánkodás helyett objektív kulturális képet alkothass a fejlesztendő szervezetről? Akkor kérlek, ne kímélj minket, és jelentkezz!
- Időtartam: 4 óra
- Időpont: szeptember 13, 9:00 – 13:00
- A képzés trénere: Biró Orsolya RIO®/PCM®/LEGO Serious Play®/UT Konzulens/facilitátor/tréner/coach
- A program nyelve: magyar
Hungarian: Az evolúciós eszköztár bővítése - 09.16 13:00-17:00
A képzés során megtanulod, hogyan indíts el és valósíts meg egy szervezeti kultúra diagnózist, hogyan szervezd meg az kezdeményezést, és hogyan kommunikálj annak érdekében, hogy magas szervezeti várakozást teremts és tarts fenn a kultúra diagnózissal kapcsolatban.
- Időtartam: 4 óra
- Időpont: szeptember 16, 13:00 – 17:00
- A csoport létszáma: maximum 20 résztvevő a személyre szabott figyelem biztosítása érdekében
- A program nyelve: magyar
English: Reimagining Work: Mapping Organizational Culture Transformation for the Future - 20.09, 04.10 18:00-19:30 CET
Join us for a thought-provoking 1.5-hour dialogue series that explores the evolution of organizations and the journey toward greater organizational awareness. Through the Reinventing Organizations map, we’ll discuss real-world case studies and engage in open conversations with the creators of this groundbreaking framework. This series is an open invitation to leaders, change-makers, and anyone passionate about the future of work. Engage in rich discussions on how to navigate cultural transformation and reshape your organization for the challenges and opportunities ahead. As a preparatory event for the 10th Anniversary Conference of Frederic Laloux’s influential book, Reinventing Organizations, this series offers a unique opportunity to connect with the global community and contribute to the evolving dialogue on organizational change. Be part of the conversation that is reimagining the future of work!
- Duration: 1.5h
- Dates:
20th of September 18:00 – 19:30 CET
4th of October 18:00 – 19:30 CET - Host: Szabolcs Emich, founder, creator of the Reinventing Organisation Map and Atlas Platform Pro
- Language: english
We are here for you
We assist organizations and organizational developers in achieving transformation through the provision of outstanding diagnostic tools for all aspects of organizational development. We support their development processes through transformation consultancy services and ensure the enhancement of their transformational skills through training and qualification programs.
Itinerary to the NEXT level
Imagine having maps that illuminate the pathway to the NEXT level, where your current challenges are not only resolved but also rendered irrelevant. What significance would it hold for you to possess such guidance, leading you towards a future where obstacles fade into insignificance?
Build on your future transformation skills
Are you interested in uncovering future treasures that can fuel accelerated growth and propel you forward? Do you desire to gain the expertise to integrate the Culture Map into your transformation toolkit? Are you keen to comprehend and leverage various culture-specific competencies? Would you like to explore and immerse yourself in cultures at the next level of consciousness? Are you eager to learn how to guide your organization towards a TEAL paradigm?
Ensured Growth
Can you envision the satisfaction of witnessing remarkable growth within your organization by strategically prioritizing key initiatives at opportune moments? Are you curious about identifying the critical areas hindering your organization’s growth and learning how to surpass them? Would you appreciate having foolproof guidelines to navigate your transformation journey with confidence?
How to use the platform
On the Atlas Platform app, you can:
- Download all the maps
- Start new assessment projects from any template map
- Customize the maps by changing, removing, or adding developmental lines
- Customize the output and survey
- Subscribe for professional layers
Explore the stories of our clients firsthand. Dive into a collection of videos and concise text narratives showcasing the invaluable impact of our services and their practical applications.
Share your story
We’re excited to hear your mapping/transformation story and share it with our community. Your experiences and insights can inspire and empower others on their own journey towards organizational change and growth.
Sign Up Free
We welcome you to join our Atlas Platform community, even if you haven’t yet decided to subscribe to our services. By registering, you’ll gain access to a range of benefits including free content downloads, maps available in 25 languages, and a searchable FAQ section.
Pro subscription
We offer several packages tailored to meet your specific needs. With your subscription, you’ll unlock access to our comprehensive maps, an online and mobile platform designed for conducting diverse culture assessment projects, along with package-specific services
Meet the team
At our core, we are a multinational team of Reinventing Organization Transformers/Mappers, united in our mission to empower organizations through strategic mapping and transformation. With a rich tapestry of cultural backgrounds and industry expertise, we offer specialized solutions crafted to navigate the complexities of global business landscapes. Trust us to be your partners in driving meaningful change and achieving sustainable success across borders and industries.
Stewarding Team
Szabolcs EMICH
Co-owner / CTO
I am a bridge builder, researcher and tool maker. I build bridges between different scientific/artistic fields that have not been connected before. I research and tool the characteristics of new, human forms of organisations. I awaken leaders to their highest future possibility.
Orsolya BIRÓ
Co-owner / Business Development Lead
As a culture transformation catalyst, I am focusing on evolving the company’s consciousness level along with its processes and mindset. I am not just addressing surface-level issues but also delving into the deeper aspects of organizational culture. This involves intentionally shaping the values, beliefs, behaviours and norms that define the organization’s identity and guide the actions of its members.
Consultants and partners
Entrepeneur, Coach, Trainer
I coach leaders, organizations and civil communities toward establishing environments where diverse groups can work freely for a common goal.
Silvia HAGEN
Organizational Consultant, Systemic Coach, Pioneer at Sunny Connection Switzerland
I love working with the integral model and the map because this understanding helps to integrate polarities and create tolerance and understanding for different perspectives. To develop teams and organizations, the main focus is to improve the quality of relationships.